Every now and then, Velvet is asked what she'll do after she kills Artorius. An Arm and a Leg: She lost her normal left hand after Artorius cut it off while she's holding onto the ledge and falling towards the hole.
In Melchior's illusions in Aball, it's revealed her version of an ideal life has (a very affectionate) Niko refusing to marry anyone or even leave the village until Velvet returns, and that's with Velvet in full awareness of Niko having a crush on a young male vet who works out of town. She once remarked how she'd marry Niko if she were a guy Niko said the same to her.
On the girl side, many of her interactions with Eleanor also veer into Les Yay given their status as Heterosexual Life-Partners, such as her happily offering to massage Eleanor with sun screen in a summer DLC skit, but it's Velvet's relationship with Niko that seals it. While Velvet makes excuses the first two times she does this, Velvet admits she has no reason to watch Rokurou by the third time, meaning she was watching him train solely out of attraction to his body.
Also, Velvet lustfully purrs while watching Rokurou train with his shirt off.
On the boy side, it's implied she had a crush on Arthur back in her younger years, as Magilou correctly deduced (based on Velvet's surprise and corresponding blush) that Velvet once liked a guy who " was always on the other side of the door, so you could only look at his feet." The anime also plays it up a bit by having her flirt more obviously with Rokurou, but the game itself has her teasing Laphicet about how "I didn't cover my eyes" when she got an eye-full from Rokurou at the bath scene in the Bonus Dungeon. Ambiguously Bi: A rare case where both sides are roughly the same level of ambiguous. Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Does give off this vibe as she doesn't want people to get close to her, and has told the party several times that they could leave her alone. Adrenaline Makeover: From keeping her hair tied in the prologue to basically letting it loose in the main game proper. Action Girl: As the franchise's first solo female protagonist, it's fitting that Velvet is a vicious fighter. Picking the right resolution depends on what you want to do with your scans. To be safe, you can scan all your photos at 300 DPI. This will give you an exact copy of your original photo. And at 300 DPI you can view your digital photo on your HDTV at excellent quality. If you're scanning more than 300 DPI you're just scanning the surface of your photo. What I mean is, since your photo was physically printed at 300 DPI, scanning more than 300 DPI won't scan anymore detail. You'll only scan more artifacts off the photo- such as the gloss off the photo, minute dust and debris, etc. You are not going "deeper" and scanning more pixels and image detail. That's because your physical photo has a limit of 300 DPI. So, why would you scan higher than 300 dpi resolution? That's next. Jason, a recent customer, came to me with 100 photos. It was his Mom and Dad's 60th Anniversary, and he wanted to make a slide show for the party. He told me that he was going to display the digital images on a large projection screen. What Happens To Your 4" x 6" Photo When You Scan It At 300 DPI How can a 4" x 6" photo scanned at 300 DPI be displayed on a 8' x 8' projection screen, at excellent quality? I told him that a 300 DPI scans will display perfectly on any size screen. Have a look at your standard 4" x 6" photo. When you setup your scanner at 300 DPI, what it does is it "squeezes" 300 dots (pixels) per inch. In other words your scanner multiplies the height and width by the amount of resolution you chose. Here's what happens to a 4" x 6" photo scanned at 300 DPI. You scanner converts a 4" x 6" photo into a 1200 x 1800 digital photo when scanned at 300 DPI. This number (1200 x 1800 ) is called the dimension. You Have a 1200 x 1800 Digital Image, Now What? And it's the MOST important number you need to know. #TALES OF BERSERIA DLC COSTUME PICS 1080P#
To put this number in perspective, have a look at your 1080p HDTV. #WHAT IS BEST RESOLUTION FOR PHOTOS 1080P# The dimension of your HDTV is 1080 x 1920.
So if you put your digital photo on your HDTV it will be displayed in HD quality. That is because the dimension of your photo is pretty close to your HDTV resolution. Your HDTV is 1080 x 1920, and your digital photo is 1200 x 1800- a snug fit. Oh, and what if you have a projection screen? Well, if you look at the specs of your projection screen it is probably 1080 x 1920 as well.
#WHAT IS BEST RESOLUTION FOR PHOTOS 1080P#Īnd even if you watched your digital photos on a 8' x 8' projection screen, it will still display at 1080 x 1920.